gusto - définition. Qu'est-ce que gusto
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est gusto - définition

Gusto (disambiguation); Saporo

Relish, zest, liking, gust.
If you do something with gusto, you do it with energetic and enthusiastic enjoyment.
Hers was a minor part, but she played it with gusto.
N-UNCOUNT: usu with N [approval]
¦ noun
1. enjoyment or vigour.
2. archaic a relish or liking.
3. archaic style of artistic execution.
C17: from Ital., from L. gustus 'taste'.



Gusto, El Gusto or GUSTO may refer to:

Exemples de prononciation pour gusto
1. into this institution with gusto.
Understanding Linguistics _ Noam Chomsky _ Talks at Google
2. KARL RYAN: Gust of wind?
An Exclusive Hands-On Creative Session _ Gary Dunne _ Talks at Google
3. They're going for the gusto.
The Most Important Thing - Origins and Inspirations _ Howard Marks _ Talks at Google
4. Now I eat it with great gusto.
Anissa Helou _ Food As Culture, Preserving Culinary Lore for Future Generations _ Talks at Google
5. And then Grove went for the gusto
Becoming Facebook _ Mike Hoefflinger _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour gusto
1. But nobody‘s handled Washington with greater gusto.
2. Gusto seems as if it beamed in from another neighborhood.
3. She is controlled, expressive and portrays her part with gusto.
4. Austria, however, celebrates with sacred and traditional gusto.
5. Weinberger performed with gusto the task of persuading the U.S.